Desserts, Finger Food, Snacks

Hazelnut Chocolate Strawberries

Use 2

These are a wicked little snack. Using the melted chocolate to dip the strawberries in probably wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be, however they still turned out ok. I also made these the night before I needed them ad=nd they kept well in the fridge for a long time before I actually needed to serve them.

In saying how well they kept in the fridge, this would be a great simple dessert if you were having some girlfriends over for dinner. It could all be done beforehand and then just simply served up with coffee or tea and maybe even a cheese platter. I really love recipes that can be made in advance so that more time can be had actually enjoying all of your cooking with special people.


For this recipe I used a 500gram punnet of strawberries, approximately 1 cup of melted chocolate (chocolate of your choice) and 1 cup of crumbed hazelnuts.


Wash and dry all of the strawberries thoroughly. I melted my chocolate in the microwave. To do this just put it in for short bursts ensuring you keep taking it out and stirring it until it is all melted. I used my food processor to quickly blitz the hazelnuts until they looked like a large crumb. I then dipped each strawberry half way up into the chocolate; I then rolled each into the nuts and placed them on greaseproof paper. I continued this process until all of the strawberries were covered. You will need to work fast at doing this whilst the chocolate is the right consistency for dipping. Also you will notice that doing them fast is the best way to make them look good. Once you have finished put them into the fridge until the chocolate is set firm and then serve or eat away until your strawberry chocolate heart is content.

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